Trip Policies


Click here to register and learn more!

Change or Cancellation of Trips

我们保留更改或取消任何行程或活动的权利. While we prefer to not cancel trips, poor weather, low registration, and other circumstances may result in cancellations. 在这种情况下,已注册的参与者将得到通知并全额退款.

Cancellations within Withdraw Window

已登记的参加者可以在行程前一周内退出,而不会受到处罚. (例如:2月8日出发,你必须在2月1日前通知我们). 已注册的参与者在窗口后退出,将无法获得退款.

No Show or Late Withdraw Policy

如果您无法参加您已经注册的旅行, please notify us as soon as possible. 如果您退出后窗口或不显示当天的行程, 您将没收您的旅行费用或被收取10美元的费用(免费旅行)。. 此外,在支付这笔费用之前,您将无法注册未来的旅行. 户外事务助理署长可酌情作出例外情况.

Refund Policy

No refunds will be granted after departure. 如果参加者不满意或行程不完整,恕不退款, 由于旅行可能因当时的情况而作必要的改变.


Participant Expectations

Alcohol and Drugs: To foster a safe environment, 在参加UREC活动时,我们将采取零容忍政策, activities, 以及国外博彩app使用酒精或受酒精影响的课程, illegal drugs, 或者不是因当前疾病而服用的处方药.

Backcountry: UREC不允许在任何时候在野外滑雪或登机, by any persons affiliated with this group, while participating on a University sponsored trip. 违规者将被立即开除, exclusion from all future Outdoor programs, 并将接受诚信委员会的审查.

Behavior: 领队可能会要求任何参与者进行调整, alter, 或停止任何被认为不适当的活动或行为, disruptive, or hazardous. 领导者有权利和责任对任何他们认为对自己或他人构成危险的个人进行监管.

Lost/Late Person: 任何迟到一小时的人将立即启动搜寻失踪人口的程序.

  1. 如果你迟到了,知道你的位置,但不能按时到达会合地点, 在前往集合地点的途中,试着与领队取得联系,待在那里直到取得联系.
  2. 如果你在一个未知的位置迷路了,试着与领队联系。.  呆在尽可能显眼的地方,待在一个地方,等待救援.

Medical Conditions: I为了在发生事故或医疗紧急情况时提供适当的护理, 参赛者必须告知领队任何相关的病史, conditions, 或者他们在旅途中持有或正在使用的处方药.

Expectations: Violation of policy or law, intentional damage to equipment or environment, threat to self or others, 和/或未能遵守领导设定的群体期望, 会导致包括行为制裁在内的各种后果吗, trip expulsion, 和/或取消旅行(费用自理).

Additional Participation Info

Trip Level Stats


Trip Costs

of our Trips are free

Plan an Adventure for Your Team

如果你有一群人想出去,我们可以帮忙!  我们将与您合作,设计适合您的需求和预算的旅行. 

Outdoors Provide:

  • A Leader to help work out all logistics (location, group size, cost projections, meals, transportation, equipment, permits, and reservations)
  • 领导人接受风险管理和国外博彩app响应协议方面的培训, 至少有野外急救和心肺复苏术/AED认证.
  • 我们确保旅行在质量、风险承受能力和政策遵守方面的最佳实践中运作.

Your Group is Responsible for: 

  • All costs associated with the activity (van rental, equipment rental, access fees such as lift tickets, lodging, meals, etc.),包括领导的费用(如有).
  • Participant recruitment.

Getting Started:

  • 所有的请求都应该在旅行前一个季度提交,以便进行计划.
  • Complete this form and include a rough idea of date(s), number of participants, and the activity you would prefer (bike, hike, overnight backpack, climb, snowshoe, etc.)
  • 领导者将召开一次初始会议,收集更多信息并进一步解释流程.
  • 一经户外活动署助理署长批准, 注册链接将被创建并提供给您和您的参与者, 包括弃权书和所有相关信息,包括会议时间, expected trip length, necessary equipment, etc.